Salon Protocol
Arrive on Time
Come Alone

Health Release
Prior to the start of my Service I confirm:
I have not been diagnosed with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past two weeks
I have not shown symptoms of COVID-19 or come in close contact with anyone exhibiting these symptoms in the past two weeks.
I have not traveled outside of my immediate daily routine for the past two weeks.
I do not have a cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell.
If I begin to show symptoms of COVID-19 within the next two weeks, I will contact my stylist.
I will follow all posted salon rules, including wearing a mask at all times & Maintaining social distance, to keep myself, my stylist, and those around me safe.
Temperature Checks
Staff & Clients will have Temp taken
Sanitization Systems updated
Air Filters, disinfection, cape & Towel Procedures
Sanitize Hands, Wash Hands
Masks Required
Masks must be worn at all times by client & staff
disposable masks that wrap around the ears are best